Who is the Father of Physics – Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Albert Einstein

Hello friends, in today’s article let us tell you ‘Who is the father of physics?‘ We will give you detailed information about interesting facts of physics. Physics itself is a transparent science. Through its study, people get to know about the changes and rules taking place in the earth. Today in this article we will give you detailed information about the father of physics.

Who is the Father of Physics

father of physics

Physics is one of the major branches in which many inventions were made by scientists from ancient times to the present times.

Who is the father of physics?

The father of physics is Sir Isaac Newton. The father of modern physics is Albert Einstein and Galileo Galilei. Newton is considered the father of physics for his law of motion, Galileo for his contributions to the scientific revolution and observational astronomy, and Einstein for his important theory of relativity. Sir Isaac Newton is called the father of physics. But the title ‘Father of Physics’ cannot be given to only one person, in addition to this Galileo Galilei and Albert Einstein are also seen as the father of physics, because both these scientists through their research and discoveries, A new revolution has brought in science.

What is Physics?

Physics is the branch in which we try to explain and measure the natural phenomena that occur in nature. Physics is a natural science that studies matter, its fundamental components, its motion and behavior through space and time, and related entities of energy and force. Under physics, the study of matter, motion force, work, energy, power, light, electric current, atom, gravity, magnet etc.

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

Isaac Newton is considered the father of physics. He is one of the greatest mathematicians and scientists. Newton was a great mathematician, astrologer, physicist and philosopher. Newton is famous for his law of gravitation and three laws of motion. The story of the theory of gravity is associated with the fall of an apple on Newton’s head. Various important concepts and formulas in physics are based on their principles.

Father of Physics Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton made many discoveries in physics. Newton was born on 4 January 1648 in England and died on 31 March 1727. He studied many discoveries and laws in his 84 years of life. He is known as a well-known scientist of England. He has a research paper named ‘Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy’. This research paper was published in 1687. In which the laws of gravity and motion have been explained. It describes the smallest aspect of gravity. With this, the principle and definition of the laws of motion have been explained.

In 1666, Newton studied optics, specifically looking at the different colors of light that refracted through a prism. He concluded that the color must be part of white light. Before this discovery, people thought that prisms gave the color of light.

Newton’s book ‘Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica’ was published in the year 1687. It is by itself the most influential book in the history of science, laying the groundwork for much of classical mechanics.

Newton described the universal Newton and the three laws of motion that dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. Newton established a continuity between Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and his theory of gravitation to show that the motion of objects on Earth and that of celestial bodies is controlled by a similar set of natural laws, thus This dispelled previous doubts about heliocentrism and the modernization of the Scientific Revolution.

Newton made progress in almost every branch of mathematics studied at the time. His most influential mathematical invention is calculus, the study of transformation, although the invention has also been claimed by Gottfried Leibniz. Now many historians have suggested that the two men invented calculus independently, with different notation.

Sir Isaac Newton Contribution to Physics

  • He introduced a new formula for the exact value of pi.
  • He discovered gravity.
  • Introduced the difference between mass and weight.
  • He presented three equations regarding motion.
  • Newton gave three laws regarding motion.

Sir Isaac Newton Major discoveries

  • Laws of Motion
  • Laws of Attraction
  • Count
  • Binomial Theorem
  • Optical Calculations
  • Earth’s size
  • Newton polynomial
  • Newton’s reflector
  • Newton’s Religious Thoughts
  • Newton series
  • Newton’s Theorem of Revolving Orbits
  • newton (unit)
  • Newton-Coates formula
  • Newton-Euler equation
  • Newtonianism
  • Schrödinger-Newton equation
  • Law of Cooling
  • visible spectrum
  • Newton’s Law

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Galileo Galilei is known for his contributions to astronomy. He made many discoveries in physics and astronomy. His theoretical and experimental work on the motion of bodies contributed to the formulation of important concepts in physics. Galileo Galilei was a famous Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher.

Father of Physics Galileo Galilei

His name comes in the forefront in laying the foundation of the modern scientific revolution. Galileo Galilei’s achievements included the creation of advanced telescopes and astronomical observation and the support of Copernican’s theories. Galileo is known as the father of modern astronomy, father of modern physics, father of modern science etc. Galileo is Roman Catholic. His achievements include the discovery of Jupiter’s four largest moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) and his observation of sunspots.

He is one of the first scientists to understand sound frequency. Galileo Galilei was born on 15 February 1564 in Italy and died on 8 January 1642. He was born into an Italian musical family, but Galileo was interested in discovering and making scientists. He made many inventions. Among them his major invention is ‘Invention of Telescope’. The invention of the telescope brought an upheaval in human physics. He is also called the father of modern experimental astronomy.

Galileo Galilei Contribution to Physics

Called the father of modern astronomy and experimental physics, Galileo made enormous contributions to physics.
He presented the ‘non-linear relation’ for the first time through his experiments. From which it is known that the frequency emanating from the instrument is proportional to the square of the tension of the string being stretched.
Galileo improved the telescope and made it more powerful.

  • He tried to measure the speed of light.
  • Galileo gave the theory of life.
  • He studied acceleration in the field of motion and gave the correct mathematical equation.
  • In the year 1632, Galilei explained the tides by the motion of the earth.

Galileo Galilei Major Discoveries

  • Principle of pendulum
  • fall rule
  • Earth’s orbit
  • is the phases of Venus (similar to the phases of the Moon).
  • Discovery of 4 largest satellites of Jupiter
  • Milkyway
  • First pandalam clock
  • Craters and mountains on the moon
  • Mathematical model of natural law
  • Laws of Nature
  • math equations
  • Visionary
  • Galileo Micrometer
  • Galileo’s Escape
  • Galileo Proportional Compass

Albert Einstein (1879–1955)

Albert Einstein is known as the father of modern physics. Einstein is known for his contributions to mathematics and modern physics. Albert Einstein was a physicist and scientist. He used his brain a lot. The most notable of Einstein’s achievements are his theory of relativity, the mass–energy equivalence formula, and his discovery of the photoelectric effect. Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 and died on 18 April 1955.

He explained about physics to the people through his research and research papers. He focused people’s attention on important subjects like the geometry of physics. He published more than 300 scientific research papers in his life. On 5 December 2014, universities and archives announced an exhibit of over 30,000 Albert Einstein documents.

Father of Physics Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, a well-known scientist of human history, dominated the world’s science world for the first twenty years of the 20th century. On the basis of his discoveries, he gave the principles of space, time and gravity.

Einstein is known for his theory of relativity and the mass-energy equation E = mc2. He received the Nobel Prize in the year 1921 for the discovery of theoretical physics, especially photoelectric emission. Einstein made many contributions, including the special and general theory of relativity.

His other contributions include relativistic universe, capillary motion, critical penultimate, problems of statistical mechanics, Brownian motion of molecules, mutation probabilities of molecules, quantum theory of a single molecule gas, thermal properties of light with low radiation density, theory of radiation, Incorporates unified field theory and geometry of physics. Einstein wrote more than fifty research papers and books apart from science. In the year 1999, Time magazine declared Shatabdi Purush. According to a survey, he was considered the greatest scientist of all time.

Einstein Contribution to Physics

  • Einstein propounded the theory of relativity.
  • His contributions include the relativistic universe, capillary motion, the problem of statistical mechanics, Brownian motion of molecules, mutation probabilities of molecules, quantum theory of a single molecule gas, thermal properties of light with low radiation density, theory of radiation, etc.

Einstein Major Discoveries

  • General theory of relativity
  • Mass-Energy Equivalent Formula
  • Avogadro’s number
  • Bose-Einstein Condensate
  • wave-particle dualism
  • Light of quantum theory
  • Anus Mirabilis Papers
  • Thermodynamics instability and statistical physics
  • Theory of Relativity
  • Photon and Energy Quantum
  • Quantized Atomic Vibration
  • Adiabatic theory and speed-angle variables
  • Physical Cosmology


1. Who is the father of physics?

Answer – Sir Isaac Newton

2. Who is the father of modern physics?

Answer – Albert Einstein and Galileo Galilei

3. Who propounded the theory of relativity?

Answer – Albert Einstein

4. Who propounded the theory of gravity?

Answer – Sir Isaac Newton

5. Who invented the ‘Telescope’?

Answer – Galileo Galilei

Conclusion –

In today’s article, we have given you detailed information about the father of physics. We hope that you have liked this article and you must have come to know who is the father of physics? If you still have any doubt then you can ask in the comment box below. Your doubt will be cleared. If you liked this article, then share it with your friends, so that they can also know about the father of physics.

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